About WHS Baccalaureate

The WHS  Baccalaureate Committee is a volunteer group of parents representing Christian, Hindu, Jewish, and Muslim faiths. The committee guides and facilitates graduating seniors from Westlake High School to share their faith statements with the community. 

WHS Partnerships

Westlake High School students from band, orchestra, and choir share their talents in moving musical performances. We are grateful to every year to have the generous gift of time and talents of the Westlake Fine Arts groups and their directors.

Past Faith Community Donors

Riverbend Church

Individual Contributions from Several Senior Families

St. Michael's Episcopal Church

Westlake United Methodist Church

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Families of the Hindu Tradition

Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church

St. John Neumann Catholic Church

Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church

The Muslim Community Support Services

Jewish faith group 

Lake Hills Church